About Us

We are a Lego-lovin' family of four. LegoMom & LegoDad played with Legos as kids, and became collectors as adults. Now they share their treasure trove of plastic with their 2 kids.

This is a place for us to share all our favorite Lego sets, websites, creations, & products.

Meet the family:

LegoMom helps fund the Lego obsession through her day job as a teacher. Her favorite themes include Castle & building sets, like the Grand Emporium.

LegoDad is also a teacher. He is an expert at creating 3D models and Lego movies. He puts everyone to shame when we play Creationary.

LegoBoy is a 6-year old whose hobbies include memorizing every detail of the latest Lego catalog. His first word was blue - the color of a plate he fished out of a Lego bin. His favorite themes include Harry Potter & Star Wars.

LegoGirl is only a little LegoBaby, but she'll love Lego too. It's inevitable.

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